Reformatted in time for October 31st: NOT ON MY PATCH: A YOUNG WIZARDS HALLOWEEN

Reformatted in time for October 31st: NOT ON MY PATCH: A YOUNG WIZARDS HALLOWEEN

Work continues on the reformatting of all the ebooks in the Ebooks Direct inventory. This time it's Not On My Patch: A Young Wizards Halloween.

Ebooks Direct purchasers will be receiving updated versions of the ebook over the course of the next 24-48 hours (the FetchApp fulfillment application staggers its emails so as not to be mistaken for a spammer).

As has been the case with all the other works that we've reformatted, the new cutting-edge Vellum ebook production software makes it possible for us to cover more customers and devices with fewer file variants. A note about this: Our customers who're using Sony Reader and Samsung Galaxy devices are now being shifted to Vellum's generic .epub format, which has a better look and feel (and more formatting flexibility) than our previous Samsung- / Sony-device-tailored .epubs did. Similarly, all Kindle users, regardless of device, are now being moved to Vellum's single Kindle format, which supports all the newest Kindle features.

As always, if you've changed device platforms lately or lost files die to a crash or other mishap, we're happy to provide you with files tailored to your new platform, or replace your lost files, at no cost. Just use the Contact email to get in touch.


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